Class 3: Food We Grow and Ayurvedic Yoga
Class 3: Food We Grow and Ayurvedic Yoga
Join us October 6!
In this session Hue will focus on the science of life called Ayurveda. Here we discuss the elements of earth, fire, and air. We will cover how we relate to each of them within ourselves, our lifestyle, and the cycles of the seasons as they flow one into the next all providing different sources of nutrients needed to complete a joyful human body experience. Each yoga pose holds these elements within them for stability, purification, and clarity. Physically we will focus on pacifying the air element as we enter into the dryer fall season. Movements in the shoulders and chest, accompanied with strength and flexibility in the hips will help us feel less anxious and more centered in the body, mind and spirit.
Sonna Mae will take you on a journey through the garden with your taste buds for this class. You will learn about some fall harvesting techniques and some cooking techniques. You will leave with some fall recipes that we use on the farm and what is available of the last fall harvest. The farmers from Sonna Mae will also let you in on some of their tending secrets and strategies!